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Where do we begin? Do we know the right questions to ask? Are we finding a good fit for who we are now or for our next season of ministry?

How is success measured in P3?


  • 90% of the pastors placed through P3 are still in place over our 7 year history shattering the average pastoral  tenure trends.

  • Churches who have called a pastor confirm the pastor is a good fit for them.

  • Churches complete the search process in a timely manner and experience a smooth transition.

  • Churches express good value in product and services provided.


P3 embraces God’s best for the church through resources, tools and consultation that guide your search, inform your decision making and allow your team to work as independently as you choose. Churches and candidates answer the same in-depth questions to explore who you are and thoroughly describe your beliefs and preferences, each forming a comprehensive profile.


Your P3 consultant will then be able to filter candidates based on your church profile, elevating priority candidates for your team’s further exploration. Instead of pouring over unclear and dissimilar resumes trying to compare information, your team will be evaluating detailed information allowing you to quickly get to know candidates, covering basic and detailed information.

Ready To Get Started?

Your next step is contacting us to find out how best to begin your journey. Click the button below to be taken to our Contact Page.

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